Who wants to wait 3 months for service of process returns? The Defendant......
bradley holton
If you were to ask your clients if they mind paying an avg of $20 more in order to have the option to knock a possible 3 months off the time their case will take to complete what do you think they would say? Even the process serving companies who "contract" give time frames that sometimes stretch into the months. I was talking to one such process server "contractor" company with no experience in the Nashville area today who while trying to haggle the lowest charge was moving into the months for executing subpoenas before I hung up shaking my head. At Holton Services we don't believe in delaying the legal process for months just to save a couple dollars off each stop we make. We wont hire contractors who passed an interview with responses like "how hard can it be" as they have no want to grasp of how hard successful process service really can be.